Mesothelioma and Electricians
Electricians—particularly those who worked before the late 1980s—are at heightened risk for developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. Electricians develop mesothelioma from exposure to common electrical products containing asbestos. The talented mesothelioma attorneys at The Gori Law Firm are on the cutting edge of mesothelioma law, winning over $4 billion in compensation since 2008 on behalf of hundreds of people exposed to asbestos.

- Electricians who worked during the height of asbestos use are now being diagnosed with mesothelioma due to the disease’s 30- to 40-year latency period.
- Electricians with mesothelioma may file a lawsuit or an asbestos trust fund claim for compensation from the manufacturers of asbestos-containing products.
- Family members of electricians who have died from mesothelioma may file a wrongful death claim.
- Electricians are at risk of asbestos exposure while using common electrical products containing asbestos, working with other tradespeople who use such products, and disturbing asbestos in construction materials while accessing electrical components for repairs.
- The Gori Law Firm has helped hundreds of mesothelioma victims and their families obtain justice and compensation for their harm from asbestos exposure.
Mesothelioma Attorneys Helping Electricians
Occupational asbestos exposure is one of the most common causes of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. Now, 3 in 10 electricians are exposed to asbestos on the job every week, making it one of the most common occupations for asbestos exposure through products such as asbestos wiring and bakelite asbestos. As a result, mesothelioma in electricians is common. Due to its 30- to 40-year-long latency period, many electricians are just now receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis.
Electricians who have developed mesothelioma from exposure on the job have legal options to pursue justice and compensation to provide financial security for themselves and their families. Over the past 20 years, The Gori Law Firm has developed a nationwide database of electrical asbestos products & job sites. This knowledge allows us to determine all of your potential sources of exposure, even the ones you may not know about, and hold asbestos companies liable for the harm they knowingly caused. If you believe you are a career electrical worker who later developed mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation.
You may be eligible for significant compensation that The Gori Law Firm can fight for on your behalf.
Mesothelioma Compensation Options for Electricians
Product liability laws allow people harmed by defective and dangerous products to sue the manufacturers, distributors, and sellers. Under such laws, electricians diagnosed with mesothelioma after asbestos exposure have several options to file a claim.
Mesothelioma Claim
A mesothelioma claim is a type of personal injury lawsuit filed against a manufacturer of products containing asbestos. For example, if you worked with asbestos-insulated wiring, you could file a claim against the manufacturer of that product.
In a personal injury lawsuit, you can seek the following compensation:
- Economic damages compensate for the financial impact of your diagnosis, including losses such as medical bills and lost wages.
- Non-economic damages compensate for the harder-to-quantity impacts of the diagnosis on your life, such as pain and suffering, emotional anguish, or loss of enjoyment of life.
- Punitive damages penalize a defendant for certain intentional and reckless misconduct. For instance, a manufacturer that knew of the adverse health effects of asbestos but continued to use it in their products may be liable for punitive damages.
Wrongful Death
If you’ve lost a loved one to mesothelioma resulting from asbestos exposure as an electrician, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim. In this type of claim, you can file for the damages associated with a mesothelioma claim, plus the following:
- Funeral expenses
- Burial costs
- Damages for other loss, such as the loss of a loved one’s income, loss of companionship, and grief
No matter the type of claim you wish to file, you must file before your state’s statute of limitations for asbestos claims expires. The statute of limitations sets a deadline for filing a lawsuit, which is usually somewhere from one to six years after diagnosis.
Filing a mesothelioma claim can be complicated. Contact the experienced team of asbestos lawyers at The Gori Law Firm. We have the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to help you seek the compensation you deserve.
Asbestos Trust Fund Claim
As asbestos exposure claims began to mount against manufacturers of asbestos-containing products, many manufacturers filed for bankruptcy protection. Recognizing that asbestos-related illnesses often take time to develop due to a long latency period, the courts required these manufacturers to set up asbestos trust funds for future victims. There are roughly 60 remaining asbestos trust funds containing approximately $30 billion.
If you discover the manufacturer of a product you used is no longer in existence, you may be able to file an asbestos trust fund claim.
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Our Mesothelioma Results for Electricians and Their Families
The award-winning asbestos lawyers at The Gori Law Firm have over 100 years of combined legal experience. For more than two decades, our firm has fought on behalf of electricians and other workers exposed to asbestos on the job.
Our compassionate team works closely with each client to provide them with the personal support and resources they need throughout their cases. We believe our clients get the best outcome when our entire team works together. Thus, someone is always available to answer your questions and address your concerns.
Our extensive experience means we have the knowledge and resources to help you get the best possible settlement and connect you with resources in your area to help you navigate your diagnosis.
We’ve filed hundreds of asbestos exposure claims on behalf of our clients, and we pride ourselves on obtaining over $4 billion in settlements and verdicts for them.
Age 66 – Deceased – Electrician
Age 83 – Deceased – Electrician
Age 86 – Deceased – Electrician
Age 83 – Deceased – Electrician
Age 67 – Spouse – Inspector
Age 70 – Deceased – Electrician
Age 85 – Deceased – Electrician
Age 69 – Deceased – Electrician
Age 79 – Living – Electrician/Laborer
Common Electrical Products Containing Asbestos
Electricians experience asbestos exposure mainly through the daily long-term use of common electrical products containing asbestos. Asbestos was often used in electrical components because it is heat and fire-resistant. For example, ceramic arc chutes used in motor starter units contained asbestos.
The following products typically contained asbestos:
- Asbestos covered wire
- Asbestos insulated wire
- Cable wraps
- Circuit board materials
- Ebonized panels
- Electrical breakers
- Electrical panel components
- Electrical shielding
- Flash guard paper
- Insulating cloth
- Motor controllers and their plastic components
- Spackle
- Switchboards
How Are Electricians Exposed to Asbestos?
While asbestos use in electrical products is much more limited than it was, electricians have experienced asbestos exposure in several ways.
Due to its usefulness as an electrical insulator, asbestos was widely used in electrical components throughout the 20th century. Many of those asbestos-containing products are still present in buildings and machinery.
Electricians may have experienced asbestos exposure when conducting electrical repairs in an older building or during a renovation. Many home construction materials contained asbestos, and to access the wiring inside the walls, electricians may have inadvertently damaged those materials, releasing asbestos fibers into the air. For example, when cutting into drywall to access wiring, they may have accidentally cut into insulation containing asbestos.
On a job site, electricians often worked side-by-side with other tradespeople who utilized products containing asbestos. For example, an electrician may have done wiring at a job site while an HVAC worker was insulating ductwork with an insulation product containing asbestos or plumbers insulating pipes.
Our Electrician Mesothelioma Lawyers are Ready to Help
As soon as you receive your mesothelioma diagnosis, contact an asbestos lawyer so you can file your claim before the statute of limitations expires. The talented lawyers at The Gori Law Firm are ready to determine your eligibility and options so that you don’t have to navigate the legal process alone.
We have offices nationwide, and our attorneys are standing by to fight for justice for you and your family. Contact us today for a free case review.
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