Erb's Palsy Lawyers
Helping Parents And Injured Children Move Forward After A Birth Injury

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Even the remote possibility of a child being injured during labor and delivery can cause fear and panic in new parents. It is important that doctors and medical staff be held accountable for their carelessness or negligence.
At The Gori Law Firm, our attorneys have nearly 40 years of experience handling a wide range of medical malpractice and birth injury cases, including those resulting in Erb’s palsy or a brachial plexus injury. Give us a call today to discuss your unique case in a no-cost consultation. While our personal injury office is in Edwardsville, we serve clients throughout Illinois and Missouri.
We can help you understand your rights and seek compensation for the injuries your child has suffered.
Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s palsy develops when a bundle of nerves (called the brachial plexus) that aids in the movement of the arm, shoulder and hand is injured. The brachial plexus may stretch or tear, causing movement problems for the infant. Paralysis of the arm may also occur. Though many infants recover from this type of palsy within a year, some do not. This leaves them with minimal arm function and a constant need for therapy for the remainder of their lives.
Most instances of Erb’s palsy result from medical malpractice where the doctor should have identified any characteristics of the mother that may have made the infant prone to experiencing shoulder dystocia. Should shoulder dystocia occur, the doctor has a duty to work quickly to prevent further injury.
Brachial Plexus Injury
A brachial plexus injury can lead to Erb’s palsy but does not always lead to this specific type of condition. In general, a brachial plexus injury is characterized by arm weakness, diminished reflexes and corresponding sensory deficits. An injury may not be apparent immediately after the birth, as infants often do not move their limbs enough for a parent or doctor to identify a problem. However, if there were complications during birth that may have resulted in a brachial plexus injury, it is important for parents to know the signs and symptoms so they can keep an eye out for any appearing in their child in the future.
Talk With Us About Your Legal Options
Do not sit by and think you have no right to file a birth injury or medical malpractice lawsuit. A lawyer at our firm can review your child’s Erb’s palsy or brachial plexus injury – and the situation that may have caused it – to determine if you have grounds upon which to file a lawsuit. We can also assess the possibility of obtaining a settlement.
Contact us at The Gori Law Firm Call to schedule a free initial consultation at 618-659-9833 or toll-free at 618-659-9833. All cases are taken on a contingency basis.
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